Akatsuki clouds Texture
download for sims 3
Ok listen up: To make my custom texture work in your game you must do following:
- First download the Installation file + Texture tutorial RAR
- When you open it extract the Resource.cfg file to your
C:Program Files/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/
- Create here a folder called "Mods" and when you open it
create another folder and call it "Packages"
It should look like this now: Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages
- after creating the "Mods" folder and placing the Resource.cfg file in /Sims 3 you can extract my selfmade texture to Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages (Its in another RAR file called "Akatsuki texture")
Installation file + texturing Tutorial
Sims 3 Akatsuki recolourable pattern (texture)
ass off to make this friggin texture *Amy-Hotchic
ass off to make this friggin texture *Amy-Hotchic
Kommentar schreiben
amy-hotchic (Samstag, 20 Juni 2009 23:01)
If you have any other questions,write here and I will try to help you out ^^
TemarixofxSand (Samstag, 20 Juni 2009 23:28)
SO DOWNLOADIN when im on my 2nd computer!
Awesomeness!!! 8D
Rin-Uchiha (Freitag, 26 Juni 2009 17:33)
This website is mainly in german!(And if i'm wrong, please don't scream at me... : ( ) 8 D
You know you can get a tool on Mob the sims to make costom content work... I have it and it works goooooodddd.... >>
amy-hotchic (Freitag, 26 Juni 2009 21:44)
Yep I know that ^^ and yes this site is half german but I hope you understand where what is,because I made it to be pretty obvious ;) and if you have delphys installer you dont need this instructions ^^ did the texture worked 4 u?
UlquiorraEspada4 (Sonntag, 28 Juni 2009 20:02)
do you know where i could download some bleach things for the sims 3?
amy-hotchic (Sonntag, 28 Juni 2009 21:58)
sorry but there is no sims 3 downloads for bleach yet
why dont you try making some for yourself like i do :)
UlquiorraEspada4 (Sonntag, 28 Juni 2009 22:39)
XD well i have only had the sims once and it was for the playstation. as far as i know there was no way to make your own stuff on that one so i have no idea how to do it XD
amy-hotchic (Dienstag, 30 Juni 2009 00:37)
xD yep,thats the thing that sucks about consoles YOU CANT CUSTOMIZE THEM x) sims for pc is so totally better,belive me
i will be learning soon how to make own recolourable parts on textures so i can create moar anime sims 3 stuff YEYZ
UlquiorraEspada4 (Dienstag, 30 Juni 2009 17:56)
XD good so it wasnt just me lol and yeah i know that the computer version is way better XD
really? cool lol i cant wait to see what you make lol.... maybe i will google how to do all this one day... for now im just to lazy XD
aklgh (Donnerstag, 23 Juli 2009 14:44)
I installed and stuff but I have never played Sims 3 so where do I get it? XD I'm a total noob
dennis (Montag, 31 August 2009 23:30)
hey amy ich bin auch deutch aber ich hab ne frage mein pc hatte nen crash und da ist meine savegame verloren gegangen kanst du mir vieleicht zagen wie ich meine zuruck kriege oder kontest du mir deine gebe
schon mal danke ;)
liebe grusse
amy-hotchic (Freitag, 04 September 2009 18:17)
hallo dennis, leider befürchte ich das ich dir da nicht
viel helfen kann :( wenn ein pc crashet hat man leider
keine möglichkeit das gespielene wieder her zu stellen.
dir mein savegame zu geben wird nicht funktionieren weil
wir verschiedene familien spielen auf verschieden pc`s ;)
Gecko (Mittwoch, 09 September 2009 00:03)
Hi Amy, I love your Sims, but I was wondering if there was a way I could get them without using Winrar?
amy-hotchic (Mittwoch, 09 September 2009 17:35)
Thanx Gecko ^^ Sorry but WINrar is neccessary for the packages to open :) and if u cant open Sims.packs install Clean pack installer from Mod The Sims
Evan (Montag, 05 Oktober 2009 14:32)
Why can't we download Tobi?
deidara fangirl (Samstag, 10 Oktober 2009 04:40)
this computer cant read rar files!! do u hav any downloadable files that arent rar? btw i love how u do ur stuff here. just how do u do them? i wanna know 8D
Evan (again) (Donnerstag, 22 Oktober 2009 21:49)
How do you move resource file to the sims 3 file? Its not letting me.
*_* (Dienstag, 03 November 2009 19:17)
amy-hotchic (Mittwoch, 04 November 2009 20:11)
lol ok Evan listen ^^ you simply extract the Resource.cfg file to Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\ just do that ok :) and then create there "Mods" folder with subfolder "Packages"<- this is where you put downloads ^^
ps: i couldnt uplaod tobi cuz the file is too big xD
@deidara fangirl ^^ you rly should get WINRAR because almost all downloads you wont be able to open without it. i packed them so i can upload them, else the file would be too big ;)
Evan (again again) (Freitag, 13 November 2009 02:11)
Ok i got further than last time with teh downloads but when i try to make a new folder, it says folder can not be created. GAH!!! Im so dum =D
Davi (Freitag, 13 November 2009 22:32)
you now me i'am davidarklight from youtube your friend and i do everything but nothing appears
Evan (again again again) (Donnerstag, 19 November 2009 22:04)
YEA!!!!! I figured it out yea!!!
Frida (Montag, 21 Dezember 2009 00:19)
Heeyy I dont get it, i have put all the things but at the end how do i put them in the sims launcher??
B (Montag, 21 Dezember 2009 04:32)
I've gotten everything down, but how do you get it to show up in the game?
Evan (Mittwoch, 23 Dezember 2009 18:14)
@frida and b. It doesnt go in the game launcher you put the resource file and the package in the right folder and they will show up in your game.
JashinHottie (Sonntag, 27 Dezember 2009 01:41)
Hey amy.
when i go and try to download it, i looked and you said save it to "program files/electronics/sims 3" ?
well i just installed 3 and there's no file that i can find!
can i just save them to my 'sims 2' file?
SakuraWolf (Sonntag, 27 Dezember 2009 21:21)
Hi umm... will there ever be naruto shippuuden downlouds for sims 3 cus iv'e been lookin all over even tried to downloud my old files from sims 2 and transfer them to my sims 3 didnt work im in a slump and im getting lazy...XD
SasuNaru2009 (Dienstag, 29 Dezember 2009 01:54)
Where can I get sasuke's hair for the sims 3? Do any of yall know?
dei-kuns sweetheart (Samstag, 09 Januar 2010 02:40)
im new to installing for sims 3 and when i launch something, the helper monkey didnt allow it.
can someone help me?
Axel (Freitag, 15 Januar 2010 03:40)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but most of your downloads are for Sims 2. I wish I could have about like... half of them for Sims 3. I don't know how, but perhaps you do: Could you covert them to Sims3 for the rest of us lazy asses?
amy-hotchic (Samstag, 16 Januar 2010 18:03)
Yap, all my anime Sims are for S2,only the Akatsuki texture is for S3. And no im not able to convert them 4 Sims 3 silly, xD its 2 different games mkey
hiyay23 (Freitag, 22 Januar 2010 23:16)
are you going to upload anymore anime things for sims 3?
amy-hotchic (Samstag, 23 Januar 2010 13:08)
hmm, i thought about uploading s3 death note charas maybe
but probably i wont cuz there is alredy a good s3 anime site
hiyay23 (Samstag, 23 Januar 2010 21:35)
There is? what's the sims 3 anime website? I have to know! unless it's simiversity(dot)blogspot(dot)com then I already know about that one.
FeiCoon (Sonntag, 24 Januar 2010 20:05)
id love to see some sims 3 akatsuki mods for hairs :D especialy deidara T^T no one has made any yet and im dying to make sasori and deidara properly...
sonic1x (Sonntag, 31 Januar 2010 12:56)
please try to upload tobi,pein and konan
jay (Samstag, 27 Februar 2010 04:29)
so how do you add the outfits to your charicters in game
Miyara_Uchiha (Sonntag, 14 März 2010 20:05)
Ich hab da so ne Frage. Ich habe alles gemacht, was man zum downloaden muss, aber ich habe keine Ahnung, wie ich die jetzt im Spiel hab. Wo find ich die denn? Oder kann es sein dass ichs total vermasselt hab? >.<
Itachi Uchiha (Mittwoch, 31 März 2010 09:06)
lady lorenna (Samstag, 17 April 2010 15:57)
Hey just thought i'd help any out who love Grimmjow or Ulquiorra..there are sims of them here.
hope it helps ^_^
Leslie (Samstag, 29 Mai 2010 03:03)
I'm a really big fan of the sims. I have all the pc collections but there's one thing I dont get.. I love animes but wenever I download any anime sims they never work I dont know why.. I'm playing the sims 3 right now and I still have the same problem.. does anyone know why anime sims dont work? or how do you have it work in the game?
Lia (Mittwoch, 23 Juni 2010 19:02)
Uhm hey ;)
Ich glaub, ich hab etwas falsch verstanden xD
Mein Englisch ist grotten schlecht ~.+
Also erstmal, totale sLob meinerseits! Bombig +.+ <3
Aaaaaber nun meine Frage xD
Sind die ganzen Akatsuki Figuren wie Deidara usw unr fuer Sims 2 gedacht, oder auch fuer Drei?
Und sind das >>Installation file + texturing Tutorial<< sozusagen die Woelkchen auf dem Mantel?
Hilfe, ich komm mir schwer von Begriff vor >.<
Sorry xD
death note lover (Sonntag, 18 Juli 2010)
yours is the best but was it free and if it was where did you go please tell me if you wont make some inuyasha and bleach ones pleez
Werty (Freitag, 30 Juli 2010 10:07)
@FeiCoon- someone has already made deidaras hair in the sims 3 exchange (in the exchange type in any of the akatsukis / find one made by bancy / then look through her blog to find the link to download it)
@amy-hotchic- if the amine website your talking about is simiversity well the person who makes the stuffs game has crashed and can't make any new downloads, so it would be cool if you made the downloads (especially akatsuki)
PHEY (Mittwoch, 04 August 2010 17:54)
HEY! Soooooo, intalling is routine but you forgot to say where one should look for the texture in the game...
PHEY (Mittwoch, 04 August 2010 17:58)
HEY! Forgive my lazyness... Found it. To spare some trouble to lazy asses like me, it's in the abstract category ^^
Three paterns, good job!
Kiwi (Samstag, 14 August 2010 00:09)
Ich bräuchte hilfe nemlich ich hab alles geamcht Mode ordner udn da den ordner packages udn was mach ich jetzt will genr alels mit akatsuki bin riesen fan davon achja hab sims 3 plss help xDD
amy-hotchic (Donnerstag, 19 August 2010 09:03)
@Leslie & Lia
XD GIRLS THIS IS FOR SIMS 3! its a texture, not sims
ps: u cant play sims 2 anime characters i did in sims 3
well darling sooner or later the same happened to me, so
i cant create either anymore v.v all my games are gone
@PHEY & all others tht wonder
lies den tutorial sorgfältig durch ist alles was ich dir sagen kann
Person that's on here (Montag, 22 November 2010 00:37)
Excuse me. How do you use the package?
Yumiko Mokoto (Sonntag, 26 Dezember 2010 20:14)
Is that a free download?
KupoCyGirl (Donnerstag, 30 Dezember 2010 23:42)
Aww u don't have some files in sims3package? U have such a fine selection T_T dam I cant get em. See there's no way I can use .package files it just doesnt work. Believe I have tried but to no avail. Please email if u know of other site thst has anime elements in it.
Ruka (Freitag, 21 Januar 2011 16:39)
hi wo finde ich die figuren den jetzt im spiel find die irgendwie net
Gorgeous Anime (Sonntag, 20 März 2011 03:45)
great site
Flower-chan (Sonntag, 03 April 2011 15:47)
Hoffe, ich versteh das nicht falsch, und du kannst deutsch =)
OK, ich hab deine SIMS 2 NarutoChakatere gesehen und war begeistert - nur leider habe ich SIMS 3... Wärst du evtl. so nett und würdest ähnliche Sims auch für 3 erstellen? Wäre toll, denn mit den Downloads vom Exchange werd ich noch irre -.-
Jammy (Dienstag, 19 April 2011 14:05)
Ich hab jetzt alles gedownloadet und so aber wo finde ich die Mäntel?
Madara_Ushia (Donnerstag, 28 April 2011 20:45)
HI ich hab da mal ne frage wao findet man die Mäntel?
Saruwatari (Samstag, 18 Juni 2011 00:40)
Hi! I LOVE your sims, I downloaded them for the sims 2, but now I have sims 3, and I adore the texture :D
But I was wondering, do you have any akatsuki sims for the sims 3??
minimi (Sonntag, 11 September 2011 12:17)
Hi ich hab ein problem..
also ich hab das jetzt gedownloadet und alles wie in der beschriebung gemacht,
aber wie kommen die in den launcher?
ich hab mir schon öfter textures geholt und die funktionieren alle nur das nicht :(
was muss ich machen damit das endlich funzt?
Aleeeex (Freitag, 04 November 2011 17:38)
irwie kann ich dieses ''Installation file + Texture tutorial RAR '' nich öffnen :S
Natalie (Freitag, 25 November 2011 02:25)
I've never downloaded sims from online b4. So i know its probably a stupid question, but the Sims 2 characters ONLY work for sims 2? cus you have all the characters i want on that but i only have sims 3 :( i just wanna confirm that and if you can, maybe you can help me find black butler/ Kingdom hearts characters for sims 3? thank you so much!
Pookey (Montag, 02 Januar 2012 16:52)
Do you have the akatsuki sims for sims 3? I cant find a place that has them.
Sakura_lover (Sonntag, 04 März 2012 01:42)
Do you think there will ever be one for Sakura Haruno ??
junjun (Freitag, 23 März 2012 10:29)
Iloveleekun (Freitag, 29 Juni 2012 23:29)
How do you download stuff for sims 2? I don't know what to do after I download them.
Peter (Sonntag, 22 Juli 2012 09:07)
Hey. Very nice web site!! Man .. Beautiful .. Superb .. I will bookmark your site and take the feeds also�I am glad to locate numerous useful info right here within the article. Thank you for sharing.
^.^ (Montag, 31 Dezember 2012)
Kannst dus nicht noch mal auch Deutsch erklären?
Mein Englisch ist nicht das Beste
BELL (Sonntag, 19 Mai 2013 18:29)
Can you make BB for Sims 3 ç_ç i need him
Nana (Samstag, 18 Oktober 2014 15:32)
great make more
Scarzie (Donnerstag, 27 November 2014 16:53)
Hallo! Ich liebe dein Sim Kunst! (I'm gonna stop now with the German because I'm still learning...XD)
So continuing, I was wondering out of curiousity if you would be able to make an Edward Elric sink mod, one with the Automail arm and leg. I have been searching everywhere and have yet to find one.
Thanks for sharing you work with the world and thanks for reading.